Maker of the Month |Moondaughter
I am so honored to feature my dear friend + moon priestess Marissa from the amazing blog, Moondaughter + co founder of Spirit de la Lune for June's Maker of the Month! Moondaughter honors the wisdom of the moon + celebrates the moon in all of us. Marissa's knowledge + creative free-spirit is woven throughout all of her online courses, crystal guidance, + exciting new project Spirit de la Lune, which offers moon oracle cards for lunar guidance. A true bohemian at heart Marissa tunes herself to the cycles of the moon + helps women find their intuition + connection we all have to the moon.
"Moon my compass, crystals my companions, intuition my voice"
Marissa has been a true guidance + inspiration since I met her way back in college. I am amazed at the strength, wisdom + femininity she exudes in this world.
When we met in college I was just starting my journey as a yoga teacher + her interest in the moon was just budding. I think our souls recognized something mystical + longing in one another, we became fast friends + I can truly say she has inspired me to be a more attune + wise woman. Moondaughter has blossomed from a little blog into it's own entity + brand, + has now been featured on + alongside so many other amazing bohemian spirits, such as The Bohemian Collective + The Wild Sisterhood.
So many new + exciting things have been taking shape for Moondaughter I couldn't not share it with you. We got together the other day to talk shop, muse over life + create a crystal grid for myself! Every time I spend time in her sacred space I feel refreshed + inspired...the ridiculously awesome bohemian decor doesn't hurt the eyes either ; )
Check out the entire Q + A below
be sure to check out her blog, etsy + oracle moon cards
Q + A | Moondaughter
Give us a little background on you + how you founded Moondaughter...
Moondaughter started off as a little blog sharing my passions + using my writing as a creative outlet. I graduated from college with my theater degree + I was missing the creative expression + energy. My spiritual path was deepening at the time + I felt very compelled to share with other women + the blog turned into a website + a beautiful community!
What drew you to the moon...
On walks home after staying up until 1 am rehearsing, the moon became my companion. I would talk to her + began to notice her movement through the sky + the nights I couldn't see her (or the New Moon, though I didn't know then) I would be a little sad. My spirituality really began to flow at that time + I was drawn to the Divine Feminine. The more I researched I realized how intimately linked women are to the moon! And thus began my journey as a Moondaughter.
What all do you do within Moondaughter...
Through Moondaughter, I've created a community to learn about + share your magic. The Moondaughter Mystic School is an online self-paced + self-study program for the Metaphysical Arts. It's all about embracing + listening to your intuition. I have found the best way for women to reconnect to their intuition is through developing a relationship with the moon. The first e-course is Lunar Flow to reconnect you to the moon, next we deepen into our intuition with Tarot Journey + connecting to the archetypal energies within. Then we move to Stone Medicine learning about crystal healing + then balance it all out with learning about the energy centers within the body with Chakra Rhythms. Moondaughter is accredited through the World Metaphysical Association, so people can become certified in my teachings.
I am also a Crystal Healer so I I offer custom crystal grid healing sessions + I will shop for crystals for my clients. I also created a Moon oracle deck, Spirit de la Lune, with my friend + artist Rachael Caringella. This has been an amazing journey + we have shipped our deck all over the world! Moondaughter keeps growing + expanding + it's been a thrilling ride to say the least!
How did you come up with the name...
It's funny, long before I even started an Etsy shop I made my login name Moondaughter. Essentially I feel I am a Daughter of the Moon (like all women), so Moondaughter became my online presence, but I feel it delivers its message very clearly. I focus on Lunar energy + wisdom + it is my passion to teach + share with all women who feel drawn to Luna as well.
How does your space inspire you...
My space only recently began to inspire me! We live in a small space + it has been a challenge for me to navigate decor wise (plus I have a lot of trinkets + it can become easily cluttered). But I recently found my groove when we finally got an actual desk to do my Moondaughter work. Having a space specifically for my work inspired me to organize + Spring clean. From there I was able to create different spaces in our studio apartment + I feel like a weight has been lifted! My energy is free + I feel like my creative energy is flowing again!
Has Moondaugter changed much since you started...
Moondaughter is an extension of my spirit, so when I grow, she grows. I am developing a new program that goes deeper into Moon mysteries + the Divine Feminine because it is so deeply entwined with my spirit. I am leading an intimate group of women through this journey right now + it has been amazing! Moondaughter the site, is getting a face-lift right now as we speak too, so if you check out my website it may look a little funky, but this new look feels so fitting + feels so me. I am excited to share it very soon!
What’s your favorite piece you’ve ever created...
My two babies are my CMP program + Spirit de la Lune. I became a published author because of these two projects! My CMP program, which I described above, is almost 500 pages of magic, lunar wisdom, + broken down into weekly + monthly increments so you are not overloaded with information!
Our moon deck has been two years in the making, but ten years in my heart stirring + brewing. Rachael + I have been working everyday for two years - first with each hand drawn image, then working with the cards, + the process of the website, manufacturing + basically everything. I wrote the guidebook + created the spread in the guidebook + its been amazing to see my words on actual pages. We also take turns shipping + writing on the moon blog! This has been a collaboration of pure joy, love, friendship, + creativity.
Where has some of your work been featured...
Moondaughter has been featured in numerous blogs, most notably, Roots and Feathers, the Bohemian Collective, The Wild Sister Magazine, + Amulet. I have met so many beautiful women + creative artists through these features!
Any special events coming up...
Every New Moon I lead a circle at Unfold Yoga! It is a completely different experience bringing Moondaughter into my local community + I am hoping to teach yoga down the line when I have more time!
Also I am having a sale until the Full moon this month! Use the code: HONEYMOON for 30% off in my Etsy shop!
What’s one of the best things about being a female entrepreneur...
I love that I can share my passions + make a living through it! I am always in awe of + love he amazing connections I've made through the online community! I have met so many wonderful people + kindred spirits through the web. I met my dear friend + artist of our Spirit de la Lune deck through the blogging world! Sometimes we have to find our tribe energetically if we can't find it locally!
What’s next for Moondaughter...
I am entering a new phase with Moondaughter + I am hoping it can be my sole occupation very soon. It is very exciting + scary to declare this! This means I will be raising my prices to sustain my family + honor the countless hours I've poured into the computer creating + writing. Most of the time, it does not feel like work but, it's becoming so clear that if I really want to expand Moondaughter that I need value my worth + the worth of Moondaughter + step up my game! I would love to create my own schedule with one that sustains my work + spirit + fills up my well.
Thank you Marissa for sharing so much of Moondaughter, Spirit de la Lune + yourself with us!! Women all over the world have been inspired + bettered by your wisdom + I thank you for bringing so much light + love to the world.