8 Tips on How to Live with Plants + Love Them
To state the obvious, I have quite the obsession with plants
I feel my mental + physical state benefits from walking into a room with greenery + I think everyone can benefit from at least one live plant in their space. Not only are they oh so pretty, they bring a freshness like nothing else + also cleanse the air!
there are some basic requirements: light, water + love
I've counted, I now have 16 live plants in my space! I know, crazy plant lady is a new term around here. From little succulents to large elephant ears, to a tall palm, I love them all. I also have 2 cats that I've attempted to train to stay away- some days are great, some days I come home to tattered leaves strewn across the floor (it's a work in progress).
There's been a lot of trial + error...
However, my love for plants has not wavered despite a few deaths. Throughout these trials my husband and I have learned how to care for all different kinds of plants, without driving ourselves crazy.
8 Tips on How to Live with Plants + Love Them
Do your research
Before you run over to your favorite plant shop do a little research beforehand. It'd be a total drag to pick up a fiddle leaf fig tree if you're looking for a low maintenance plant. Also, if you have pets be sure to get the plants that won't harm your pet babes!
Create a schedule
This has s a v e d our life! My husband + I are now on a schedule for most plants to be watered every Saturday. A few of our plants require a bit more water so we check those mid-week. Starting a schedule is vital to keeping on top of their very precious water source.
Find their spot
This can take a few weeks to figure out but, if a plant doesn't seem too happy where it is, try moving it to the opposite side of the room. Plants can be temperamental so, when they're happy with their light source, you'll know.
Feel 'em every day
A friend told me this once + it's one of the best pieces of advice. Just give them a little touch every day, feel their soil + leaves so you know they're in a good place. You never know, sometimes out of the blue they'll be extra dry + then you'll know to give them some extra love.
Give them special treatment
We've learned that fertilizer is absolutely necessary for the long term health + growth of a plant. You can pick up a simple, basic fertilizer for $5 + this will take you far. Follow the directions + you should see a major pick-up in your plants growth.
Stay away from heaters
Also, another great piece of advice from a friend! It's kind of obvious now but, at the time we didn't think much of placing plants near heaters. This can dry them out very quickly + even when you do keep them watered that constant dry heat can be damaging. Watch out during those winter months.
Re-pot when necessary
We've gotten in the habit now of having a vessel all ready to go the day we buy a new plant so we can re-pot it into it's new cozy home. It may take a few days to make the transition from plastic to pot but, in the long run it is much healthier. We usually pick a slightly larger pot so it has room to grow!
Words + Kisses go a long way
Last but, definitely not least, talk, kiss, sing, hug your plants because they know + need love! Be silly, it does better with humor. Truth, I always talk to my new plants in the car on their way home. Being in tune + connected with your plant will keep you focused + able to better care for them : )
Fine Print: All photos belong to Found + Kept, if you'd like to use them please give full credit + provide a link back to the original post