Get the Look | Beautiful Buffets
Who ever thought a buffet could be beautiful? Over here at Found + Kept we believe you can find beauty in anything . . . even a buffet, or credenza, or sideboard, or whatever you want to call it . I recently purchased a console from UO + was so excited to use it as our "buffet line" at our latest dinner with friends night! But, now I've got my sights set on a beautiful buffet that will serve as our record player station : ) Even a small dining or living room can enjoy the numerous benefits of having a buffet, + I know it's worth the $$.
Photo c/o My Domaine
Whether you use it as a classy buffet line, cocktail bar, or vinyl hub, it's easy to find something to do with it, especially with the holidays around the corner. Although, I l o v e my console, a piece with more storage would be so much more functional . . . oh woe is me . . .