Friday Faves | My All-Time Favorite Top 10 Plant Hangers
I'm finally getting to put up some of my macrame plant hangers + I am s o excited about it!!! There's nothing better than morning light trickling through the leaves of your baby house plants as they hang picturesque in front of your bay window. I think it's important for everyone to have some greens in their life + hanging form is my f a v o r i t e. For all your plant hanging needs check out my....
Top 10 Perfect Plant Hangers
Photo c/o my insta
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Yanyula | $11 | can't get better than navy blue
Urban Outfitters | $24 | love it to the m o o n + back
Modern Macrame | $128 | but so worth it
Target | $9 | so into the concrete
Anthropologie | $58 | oh, ain't she a gorgeous one
CB2 | $17 | the perfect blend of modern + boho
Terrain | $28 | gotta gotta teracotta
Amazon | $30 | this is the one you see in the top pic + I love it
World Market | $7 | who doesn't still love a good hanging terrarium
The Macrame Lady | $16 | small + simple