Maker of the Month | Posy Willow
Marija, owner + founder of Posy Willow, is the embodiment of a free spirited bohemian. That is exactly why I love her + why I wanted to feature her for this month's Maker of the Month. Without a doubt she is an unbelievably talented artist + graphic designer, but I love her ability to balance work with play...if she could chill on the beach all day I know she would. She travels around the world with her computer + some watercolors, paints + pursues what inspires her.
I'm excited to say, I love her work so much that I recruited her to design a new logo for Found + Kept! Isn't it fabulous?!
Check out the entire Q + A below
be sure to check out her site, art + exciting new t-shirt line
stay tuned for some more posts on that...
Q + A | Posy Willow
Give us a little background on you + how you founded Posy Willow...
I'm really a free spirit that really belongs at the beach. I love traveling + never spend more than a couple of months in one place. I also love anything creative, believe in following your wildest dreams + most importantly staying curious.
Posy Willow in itself was a leap of faith. It came at a time when I was pretty lost in my life + didn't know what direction to go into. I had this passion for design + I was at a point in my life where I had nothing to lose + everything to gain. No husband, kid or even job, meant I was totally free to create the future I wanted. I was craving a life + job that would light me up + figured that if I could dream it, then I could do it.
What drew you to graphic design?
I have always been creative + loved drawing when I was younger. I gave all of that up for my studies in business management + finance so when I came back to it after graduation it was like coming home.
I love the idea of bringing feelings + ideas to life + helping people make their dreams happen. Design for me is about communicating feelings + connecting with people...I happen to do that much better with images than words.
What all do you do within Posy Willow?
I wear many hats! I do logos + branding for creative entrepreneurs, as well as e-books, + I love doing custom illustrations. My latest adventure has also been in t-shirt design.
But, I don't limit myself + am always up to learn new things. Anything that excites me is a go in my book. Whatever people are stoked about, I want to be a part of that.
How did you come up with the name?
I thought about it for a long time + even had a rather painful dinner with my family where I asked everyone to give me name suggestion. After a while, I remembered those names of people I admire + it just felt really right. The words remind me of where I want to go + who I want to be.
How does your location inspire you?
Since I am traveling most of the year, my location is always changing! Seeing new places + meeting new people is what keeps me inspired. I think that with every new place I go I grow + evolve as a person, + it all translates into my art + design.
What’s your favorite piece you’ve ever created?
I have been lucky to work on a lot of amazing projects but I have to say that one of my favorites is a series of watercolor moon illustrations. I put a lot of my soul into this piece and it means a lot to me.
How would you define beauty?
Anything that brings me joy + makes my heart swell is beautiful to me. A beautiful sunset, well-written book or the perfect wave are the most beautiful things + will completely stop me in my tracks.
What’s one of the best things about being a female entrepreneur?
To me, the best thing is being able to create my own future + live my life in a way that brings me joy. It has also enabled me to collaborate with some radical + trailblazing women.
Has Posy Willow changed much since you started?
I'm still in the early stages on this adventure + I'd say it's constantly changing + evolving, while my love for design + desire to connect with amazing people remains unchanged.
What’s next for Posy Willow?
Some big and exciting things are happening behind the scenes at the moment! There is a rebrand in the works and maybe a new offering coming soon...Can't wait to share all of it with you very soon.
Most importantly, what do you do outside of your work?
I am an absolute beach bum + am completely obsessed with surfing, I will decide my travels based on the waves. I also really love yoga + just started learning to play the guitar.
Girl, you're an inspiration to me + every other female artist + entrepreneur out there. Next time I travel the world, we may have to join forces ; ) Be on the look out for more Posy Willow graphics featured on the blog!